February 24, 2024

This kind of behaviour may occur only when it comes to required fields and stripe payment gateway. Stripe – works based on JS calls, providing a popup box where customers need to fill their payment details (Card Number, Expiration Date, etc). Because it is a JS action, it cannot be processed until after the registration

February 24, 2024

If the main pages that were assigned as Learning Pages are not working as you expected, first check if those were set properly. Those pages may show up differently or not at all, even if you have set common slugs such as: login/, lost-password/, register/. In this case, WordPress may require an update on permalinks. To avoid interacting with

February 24, 2024

Tiny Scolarz has multiple payment gateways included which automatically manage payments and are able to confirm any completed payment on external payment platforms. Each payment gateway is linked to multiple modules. Adding a new payment option is a very complex job, therefore not on option for the customer. External scripts can not replace the available payment gateways from Tiny

February 24, 2024

For the Account Page showcase there are predefined templates that come with the installation of the ULP plugin. If you want to change them you can do so by using the Custom CSS box found in the section. There you can write your desired CSS code that will change the way each showcase will look like on the front-end

February 24, 2024

A full list of all of the shortcodes can be found by going to the Tiny Scolarz Dashboard -> Shortcodes tab.

February 24, 2024

The plugin comes with a few example notifications, but due to the vast number of different scenarios it was impossible to include them all by default. We recommend creating notifications catered to your specific needs by using one of the examples as a template. If your notifications are not sent, first check if your WordPress environment

February 24, 2024

SandBox from PayPal is a testing environment for managing payments without being charged. For a proper workflow, you will need a Merchant sandbox Account and a Buyer Sandbox Account. If you haven’t received payment confirmation and the level hasn’t activated yet, don’t worry. Sandbox does not work as fast as the live system, and some

February 24, 2024

If you want to import data from one website to another, there is no dedicated option available in Tiny Scolarz. A solution may be to use one of the default import solutions provided by WordPress: WordPress Importer. If you want to import users from a different learning system to Tiny Scolarz, you can do so if those users

February 24, 2024

Internal server errors are not specific to WordPress, they can also happen as a result of anything else running on your server as we 500 Internal Server is an error from server side. An internal server error is very generic, therefore it does not tell the developer anything. It does not specify the cause of

February 24, 2024

If you encounter any syntax errors while you are trying to install the plugin, it’s most probably that the PHP version installed on your server is a very old one. The current available PHP version is v.7.x, but for a proper workflow a PHP version starting with 5.3 is required. Example of error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in