February 25, 2024

This Magic Feature allows you to create additional tabs in the Account Page. These tabs can not have sub-tabs. After activating the feature, you will need to insert a new slug, label and choose an icon for your new menu Tab. The slug must be unique and based strictly on lower-case characters with no special

February 25, 2024

This feature gives you the option to set a course recommended estimation time. To activate this feature, please go to the Extensions tab, then click on the Course Estimation Time card. Turn on the magic feature and then click on Save Changes. A new attribute for courses will be available and an estimate time can be provided. To change the estimate

February 24, 2024

This feature gives you the option to set a course difficulty. To activate this feature, please go to the Extensions tab, then click on the Course Difficulty card. Turn the magic feature on and then click on Save Changes. You can create a new difficulty by providing a slug and a label. The slug needs to be unique and based strictly on lower-case characters with no special

February 24, 2024

To activate this option, please go to the Extensions tab, then click on the Pushover Notifications card. After following the instructions found here and entering the required data: App Token, Admin Personal User Token, URL and URL Title, turn on the magic feature and Save Changes.

February 24, 2024

This magic feature provides a way for you to add a new currency in your system. To access this option, please go to the Extensions tab, then click on the Custom Currencies card. You can add real currencies or custom ones. To add a real currency not implemented by default in the system, first insert the Currency Code (USD, EUR, CAD etc.) then

February 24, 2024

This feature allows you to create a menu tab in the BuddyPress Account Page that links directly to the Ultimate Learning Pro Account page. To activate this option, please go to the Extensions tab, then click on the BuddyPress Integration card. Click on the ON button and then Save Changes. While here you can edit the menu Label and Position.

February 24, 2024

This feature gives your student access to their invoice(s). To activate this option, please go to the Extensions tab, then click on the Invoices card. Click on the ON button and then Save Changes. Here you can edit your invoice title, logo, content etc. Make sure you use the standard field constants on the right side.

February 24, 2024

By activating this feature you can give your students MyCred Points for certain events, this is done by integrating MyCred. To do so, please go to the Extensions tab, then click on the My Cred card. Click on the ON button and then Save Changes. After activating, a new tab will appear in the upper menu called MyCred. Here you will see

February 24, 2024

This feature will allow your students to save a course to their personal wish list. This is useful for them if they wish to keep track of a certain course and enroll later. To activate this option, please go to the Extensions tab, then click on the Wish List card. Click on the ON button and then Save Changes.

February 24, 2024

This feature enables your students to see their grades. To activate this option, please go to the Extensions tab, then click on the Grade Book card. Click on the ON button and then Save Changes. In order to display the gradebook, use shortcodes.