February 25, 2024

If your Customers pay via PayPal for a Course but they are not enrolled after a while try to see that everything is working properly following the next cases:Set your PayPal Gateway to Life instead of Sandbox.Be sure that your Customers actually paid for the course(s) and you’ve really received the required fee into your PayPal Balance.Ensure that you didn’t set any

February 24, 2024

Tiny Scolarz has multiple payment gateways included which automatically manage payments and are able to confirm any completed payment on external payment platforms. Each payment gateway is linked to multiple modules. Adding a new payment option is a very complex job, therefore not on option for the customer. External scripts can not replace the available payment gateways from Tiny

February 24, 2024

SandBox from PayPal is a testing environment for managing payments without being charged. For a proper workflow, you will need a Merchant sandbox Account and a Buyer Sandbox Account. If you haven’t received payment confirmation and the level hasn’t activated yet, don’t worry. Sandbox does not work as fast as the live system, and some