A Golden Opportunity Lies Ahead...


Imagine being able to use our assets to create EVEN HIGHER QUALITY BOOKS!

Piecing together the stories with the images, the mazes, the colouring books, the quizzes, the wordsearches AND MORE?!

You're going to be making masterpieces... Masterpieces that people around the world want to educate the children in their lives... Whether it's at home or in schools or other arenas.

You've being granted the opportunity to work with us, known marketers who make things HAPPEN!

This allows you to be able to sell these books you're creating online... But also give the community an opportunity to purchase them from you AND launch them, in a similar way you've seen us market our assets that you've purchased...

Cool, Right?!

Watch This Video:

Create your book bundle and approach us on: ame (@) (You'll have to remove the spaces and () from the email address for it to work.

Send us a preview of the books/assets and we'll respond with a chance for you to work with us if they're good enough - Remember, we're limited to how much we can do.. So PLEASE ensure you make the best efforts you possibly can to shine above the rest!

*NOTE* The stories you create must be packs of stories AND NOT just a single book!

Best of luck and we're excited to see what you can do!!!