Stop Wasting Time Paying for Software That Doesn't Meet Your Needs And Unlock the Secret to Earning $1,211+ Daily by Creating Children's Storybooks with FREE AI Tools Just By Copying & Pasting.

Leverage Children's Books to Create Endless Income Streams with FREE AI Tools - We'll Even Show You How!


Discover how to create and sell children's books that
generate consistent daily income today!

 $1,200+ Daily Super Prompt: 

Learn how to create and sell children's book that generate consistent daily income

Easy and Simple:

No writing experience needed - The prompt guides you step by step.


Tailor your books to any topic and any age group effortlessly


Create high-quality books using free AI services and your favorite content creation tools


Access the exact same formula that has helped Andreas make over $27,000+  in just five days and Ame Lance over  $40,000+ DOLLARS

Do you want to create captivating high-quality, fun, engaging books? 

Open the Doors to Earning a Fortune and Unlock the Key to Creating Unlimited Books Using FREE AI Tools.

Imagine being able to create endless, engaging children’s stories that not only captivate young minds but also bring us over $1,200+ a day on average, giving you the potential to do the same!

Access This Never-Revealed-Before Super Six Figure Prompt!

Exclusive Opportunity...

We, Craig Crawford and Andreas Quintana, are here to reveal the secret formula that has changed our lives. 

And now, for a limited time, you can access this powerful AI prompt for only $9.95 today!!

And... You won’t even need expensive tools and services; you can make books for free.

You can create books using free-to-use AI services.
We do this and get phenomenal results, as you’ll see on this page!

Explosive growth in online sales is transforming the
 Children's book market dynamics

Unlock Your Book’s Potential: Tap into the Power of Online Sales and Truly Skyrocket Your Reach!

Selling children's books online is essential in today's digital age.

With the growing trend of online shopping, reaching a broader audience has never been easier. Promoting your books online allows you to tap into a global market, increase visibility, and boost sales significantly.

Leveraging e-commerce platforms and social media marketing can help you connect with readers directly, build a loyal customer base, and drive sustainable growth for your business.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to maximize your reach and revenue by embracing the power of online book sales.

The chart shows a dramatic rise in online children's book sales and a decline in offline sales from 2019 to 2023. This is truly exciting!


It's a prompt like no other - It's simple to use and quick to get results!

You'll be thrilled when you see the results!

There's plenty of places you can sell these on with FREE traffic  - Etsy being one of them - And guess what? 

You'll have all you need to know provided inside the members area just waiting for you RIGHT NOW - To access and implement! 

Whether you're an aspiring publisher, marketer, or educator of any age or ability, this is for you!

Whether you're looking to make an income online or just a family member wanting to give your children some fun-filled education, this is PERFECT for you!

The way we've created this special prompt and instructions is a fill-in-the blanks, copy and paste solution for ANYONE, regardless of age, abilities or even time!

This truly is the perfect solution for anyone online!

Think about how often people want to educate children, entertain children and just how much they spend!

Included: Free training on how to build your books inside Canva!

Inside our members area, we have training that shows you exactly how to create what you see in the book above!

Say goodbye to pen and paper; the digital age is here! In just 10 minutes, you'll learn how to make books just like ours.

Does it work? 

ABSOLUTELY! How do we know?

People are already using this training to create amazing books that are sold worldwide. The best part? It’s quick and easy once you know how!

Think about this for a moment.
Children’s Books Are A Year-Round Profit Opportunity!

Books are a unique and evergreen product on the market, with strong sales throughout the year. Parents, educators, and gift-givers are constantly seeking engaging and educational materials for children, making this niche consistently profitable.

From back-to-school seasons to holiday gift-giving, there are numerous peaks in sales, but the demand remains steady even during off-peak months.

This year-round interest ensures that children's books can generate consistent revenue, making them a reliable and lucrative investment for authors and publishers alike. With the right marketing strategies, your children's book can capitalize on these opportunities and turn into a long-term profitable venture.

If you're not familiar with us here at StoryShack, we're renowned for our products and services being backed by thorough research. Everything we produce is done for one purpose: Results!

This Graph Below Shows Sales Trends Through The Year: 

Think about the month we're in RIGHT NOW...
We're headed for an increase in book sales popularity - The time to act is NOW!

When it comes to selling children's books, there are specific times throughout the year that see higher purchase rates, largely due to seasonal events, holidays, and school-related activities. Here are the top times during the year when children's books tend to sell the most:


Post-holiday sales often see a spike in children's book purchases as parents and educators look for new reading material for the new year.


Valentine’s Day encourages the sale of books as gifts, especially those with themes of love and friendship.


Read Across America Day (March 2nd) significantly boosts children's book sales, with many schools and libraries promoting reading activities.


Easter, along with Earth Day (April 22nd), sees an increase in the sale of children’s books with seasonal and environmental themes.


Mother’s Day is another opportunity where books make great gifts, especially those focusing on family themes.


The beginning of summer and Father’s Day prompt sales, particularly for books that can be enjoyed over the summer break.


Mid-summer sees a continuation of the summer reading trend, as well as preparation for back-to-school purchases starting towards the end of the month.


Back-to-school season drives a significant amount of book sales, as parents and educators prepare for the upcoming school year.


The start of the fall bookselling season marks a peak in sales, as it leads into the holiday gift-giving period.


Halloween-themed books become particularly popular, leading to a sales boost towards the end of the month.


Black Friday and the lead-up to the holiday season drive significant sales, as books are commonly purchased as gifts.


The entire month of December, especially leading up to Christmas, sees the highest book sales of the year due to holiday shopping.

Speaking of training... 
We've got more for you!

Bonus #1:

Bonus #1 The AI Enhancement Training

Value: $97.00

This is to help your knowledge GROW with our actionable content driven session!

This enhances the value of your book and allows you to be able to create even better, more sellable books!

This'll teach you how to evolve your books into books that're even more sellable.

This session will teach you much more than just books. It'll teach you how to actually manipulate AI for your business in general.

We're aware that one day AI will pretty much become a big part of everyone's future as it evolves.

Why be it's slave when you can become it's master? ;)

Books have been around for centuries...
And will never die out!

They'll only adapt... Isn't it time you did too?

The first ever recorded book is believed to be "The Epic of Gilgamesh," an ancient Mesopotamian text dating back to around 2100 BC. This epic poem, written in cuneiform on clay tablets, is considered one of the oldest known literary works.

You see, "Books aren't here today, gone tomorrow," a fad. They're an ongoing, ever-changing, ever-growing testament to human creativity and knowledge.

From ancient clay tablets to modern digital formats, books have stood the test of time, evolving with technology and continuing to inspire, educate, and entertain readers of all ages.

Embrace the power of books with AI and be part of this timeless tradition, creating stories that will captivate and endure for generations to come.

Security in an ever-changing, ever-evolving world is rare! But in this niche... You're pretty much 100% safe!

Here are 8 solid reasons you should build your business foundation in book creation with AI by your side:

Rapid Content Creation

AI can help create high-quality content in a fraction of the time it takes a human writer, allowing you to publish more books quickly and efficiently.


Using AI to write and edit books reduces the need for expensive professional services, making it a cost-effective solution for aspiring authors and publishers.

Global Reach

With AI-powered translation tools, you can easily translate your books into multiple languages, reaching a global audience and increasing your potential market.

Consistency and Quality

AI ensures consistency in writing style and quality, reducing the chances of errors and maintaining high standards across all your books.

Interactive and Educational

AI can integrate interactive elements such as quizzes, games, and activities into your books, enhancing their educational value and making them more engaging for children.

Continuous Improvement

AI tools are constantly learning and improving, which means the quality and capabilities of AI-generated content are always getting better, ensuring your books stay competitive in the market.


AI can even help create audiobooks and other formats that make books accessible to a wider audience, including those with visual impairments or learning disabilities.

Environmental Impact

Digital books created with AI have a lower environmental impact compared to traditional print books, contributing to sustainability efforts.

The Story of Craig and Andreas:
A Journey to Wealth

“Andreas: How Do You Make Such Amazing Books So Quickly?”

“Ten years ago, Craig Crawford mentored me, Andreas Quintana, in product creation.

His guidance was invaluable, and I transformed my life, going from struggling to make ends meet to earning over $10,000 per month. I now live in Mexico, living my dream life with my beautiful wife and children!

Recently, Craig and I connected and launched a book series together using his $1k a day prompt. And in just five days, we generated an astounding $27,113.70!

Without SpeNding years learning to write

Create Best-Selling Books Immediately 

prior knowledge

Of writing or book publishing

WITHOUT Investing
in expensive tools

Or services to create high-quality books

WITHOUT HIRING professional

For Editing or content creation


To sell books on platforms like amazon, Etsy and More


Writing and researching content.

Master the art of creating books 
for explosive profits!


Grab Access!


Access Your Purchase


Launch Your Own Books Within No Time At All!

"Curious about how Craig managed to create so many high-quality books so quickly, I asked him to reveal his secret... After some persuasion, he shared the secret prompt that had been his key to success."

"I've Never Seen Anything Like This Online To This Date!"

"I’ve never seen such a simple formula using AI and I’ve never seen such results from it either, And I’ve used AI A LOT!!!

"I just had to get Craig to share this, so the world could do what we do and at an affordable price..

You can begin making any books in any topics for any age within seconds and using totally FREE AI tools!!!"

Andreas Quintana

Craig Crawford: 
The Six-Figure Prompt Creator Master… 

I, Craig Crawford, have generated $164,718.60 from a single powerful prompt since March 15th of this year!

"This prompt has been my secret weapon, never shared with anyone until now… I’ve helped countless people achieve success, from making their first sale to earning over a million dollars, but this prompt has been my best-kept secret.

My recent book launch with Andreas was a testament to the power of the $1K Per Day Book Creator Formula, making over $27,000 in just five days!"

Craig Crawford


If you don't know who we are... We're Known For Over-Delivery, As You'll See On This Very Page!

Becoming one of our customers & StoryShack family members isn't just about making one purchase and going on your way.

It's about a growing relationship we both value - We're renowned for continuously sharing knowledge, free gifts and connecting continuously...

With us, you're never alone!

As you see, we receive emails on an ongoing basis from customers who know, like and trust us.

The reason we get such comments in our inbox is because we truly care about your success!

Nothing puts a bigger smile on our face than knowing you're winning and that we're having not just a positive impact on people just like you...

But that we're helping the future generations together!

The $1K Per Day Book Creator Formula: Your Key to Success

Our “magical” prompt, as Andreas & Ame call it, the $1K per day Book Creator Formula, is your golden ticket to the world of lucrative children's book publishing.

Hello, Fellow Marketers, Story Tellers, & Budding Entrepreneurs!

I’m talking unlimited books, unlimited topics, all ages… And within seconds!

It's REALLY simple… So simple you’ll actually be shocked when you see it!

But it’s simplicity isn’t only what makes it so powerful… It’s the actual ingredients & layout of the prompt that make this so amazing.

This is not just any prompt, it’s a tried and tested formula that works for any topic and any age group.

Whether you’re passionate about science, history, geography, math, or even biblical tales, this prompt will help you create engaging and educational stories that children, parents, schools, and publishers will love.

We’ve produced 1000’s of books with this and made over $160,000+

Struggling to align yourself with the right mentors & vendors?

Hey, It's Craig here

I have worked with thousands of students in my time, helping people to truly excel at what they do in many arena's of the internet.

People pay a lot of money for my services because I'm great at getting results - This is why this opportunity I'm sharing is an absolute STEAL.

I get messages like the image here from Derronne from many people in many arenas online.

I always pride myself on over-delivery and honesty as you're soon to find out.

So, why is the six-figure super prompt so effective?

Firstly, it's the Ease of Use! It’s so simple that you can create brilliant, educational stories effortlessly using your favourite content creation tools for FREE!

Even if you’ve never made a book before, this prompt will guide you step by step on how and what do to... It's a "Fill-in-the-blanks" easy use prompt!

I personally designed it for myself and my team to use!

We now have 1000's of customers using our content every single day!

Happy customers who LOVE what we create & share.

The Three Short Steps to Storyline Success!

Step 1

Copy n Paste The Prompt Into Your Favourite AI Tool

Step 2

Add your topic, age range, & number of characters to the prompt (that's already highlighted) & hit Enter.

Step 3

Your story is complete within seconds!

But there's more to this amazing prompt than you may realize!
A Whole Heap of Benefits Lays At Your Feet:


Works for any age group and any topic. You can tailor your stories to suit the interests and reading levels of your target audience.

From accurate school subjects to captivating biblical tales, the possibilities are endless!

Unlimited Potential

Create books, packages, and products that you can sell repeatedly.

Launch your products and watch open the door for your potential income to flow.

Educational Value

Each story is designed to be both entertaining and informative, fostering a love for learning in children.

This type of asset is very popular and people are always looking for ways to teach in a fun way!

Flawless Quality

Using the power of free AI and accurate knowledge, these books are not only engaging but also flawless in their content.

Good content on auto-pilot is waiting for you

Market Demand

Parents, schools, publishers, and educational institutions are always on the lookout for quality educational content for children.

Tap into this ever-growing market and secure your financial future.

The High Stakes: Act Now or Miss Out

Imagine the regret you’ll feel if you pass up this opportunity. For only $9.95

With the $1K Per Day Book Creator Formula, you can create books that not only enrich young minds but also secure your financial independence. Without this secret tool, you’ll be left struggling to produce content that sells, while others rake in the profits.

Why Is This Offer So Special?

Andreas convinced me to share this secret with the world, knowing it would help countless others achieve financial freedom.

Many of my customers know I love helping other people. I love helping them! What he said. It made total sense!  He pointed out that what I can share can make a difference; he was very persuasive!

This is why, right here... right now... You've got this golden opportunity that saves you time, money, and is highly affordable!

But remember, this is a highly guarded secret, and we’re only releasing it under one condition:

You cannot sell or share the formula. It’s exclusively for your use, ensuring its value remains high and its effectiveness is unparalleled!

This is the only condition that enables me to share it.

Where and How to Sell Your Books With this formula, your books can be sold across multiple platforms, including:

You don't even need your own traffic to make sales.  Here are some platforms where you can start selling your colouring books right away:

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

Reach millions of customers by publishing your books on Amazon.


A popular marketplace for digital and physical products, perfect for selling unique colouring books.


Sell digital downloads easily and manage your customers effectively.

Google Play Books

Sell digital downloads easily and manage your customers effectively.


A well-known platform with a large audience looking for various products, including colouring books.

Local Craft Fairs and Markets

Sell physical copies at local events and engage directly with your customers.

Schools and Educational Institutions

Offer your educational-themed books to local schools and learning centers.

Draft 2 Digital

Offer your educational-themed books to local schools and learning centers.

The Reason Many Of These Places Get Such GREAT
 Results Is Due To The FREE Traffic They Get!

This was only one place I'm showing you, as you see above. 
People can sell these types of products everywhere!

Including online book stores & Amazon... People were CRUSHING IT In Countless Places!!

You too can become a book creation master and create beautiful & timeless books that benefit people for years to come and generate you an income for years to come.

You can create eBooks, paperback books, and hardcover books and turn them into videos, audio, and more!

The possibilities are endless, and the potential is massive. The choice is all yours!

So... What're you waiting for? YOUR TIME IS NOW!

Keep scrolling down this page, and you'll see we've worked tirelessly to craft the ultimate prompt that allows you to benefit in various ways now and into the future!

Affiliate Platforms

Launch your books on ClickBank, JVZoo, WarriorPlus, and other affiliate networks to leverage the power of affiliate marketing and skyrocket your sales.

Partner with publishers looking for fresh, engaging content for children.

There's an abundance of people always looking to partner with content creators when you create your masterpieces. You've got many options at the table!

One is that you can find publishers to work with to get your books out!

Partnering with book publishers provides content creators access to professional editing, design, and marketing resources, expanding their reach, boosting sales, and establishing credibility in the competitive book market.

Exciting Money-Making Potential Awaits!


The global market for children's books is projected to reach $11.03 billion by 2026.


Parents, on average, spend OVER $200 annually on books for their children.


Educational content is one of the fastest-growing segments in the publishing industry.


Digital book sales have increased by over 30% in the past year, highlighting the demand for accessible and engaging content.

If you’re wondering if it’s a "one-trick pony" that only Andreas could use, fear not! Anyone can use this super prompt!

Meet Ame: The FIRST Ever Success Story: "The Human Guinea Pig"

Meet Ame, Craig's partner—new to the realm of online marketing... She had never even used AI before and didn’t really know what it could do.

She was the first “guinea pig” of the super prompt!

Who better to try it out with to see if it truly works for anyone?

She was TOTALLY a newbie and didn’t know anything even about creating books. But with a little guidance, she got to work and created a book series using this highly sought-after, super-secret prompt!

Within a couple of weeks, her product was ready. And little did she know, she was destined for a GREAT payday!

Her results? That's A WHOPPING $41,162 Dollars In Sales! With her first ever package!

Ame said,

My goodness, I didn’t know it would do this well. I didn’t know if anyone would even be interested in what I’d create, but once I began using the prompt to create books, it almost became addictive!

As soon as the quality and educational content were being made for me... I knew Craig was on to something.

They're super fun and creative; I just kept making more!
I can now make a book in a minute, and on any topic I want!

I can’t thank Craig enough. He’s shown me a path to making money that I didn’t know was possible until he introduced it to me.

I’m a French-speaking Canadian, and I thought I’d struggle! I thought it would be difficult!!!
But I took what Craig gave me, changed only 3 parts of the prompt, and said, "VOILA!"
Books were being thrown at me from Chat GPT in minutes, and all for free.
To say I’m pleased is an understatement!

I’ve gone from newbie to winner within minutes. If you’re looking to make money online, this is 100% for you!

Ame Lance

Book Creator Newbie, Now Pro Seller
I've done many things in many arenas. I found a love for educational content, and I'm focusing heavily on it!

I am the perfect person to help anyone who wants to do the same regardless of your abilities.
These assets are timeless, fun, and creative!

Your path to success starts here!

Don't let this opportunity slip through your fingers

The $1K per day Book Creator Formula is your gateway to creating captivating children's stories and achieving financial success. Act now and join the ranks of successful authors making a significant income from their passion.

I Recently Asked Some StoryShack Family Members For A Testimonial Regarding Our Products and Services—These Are Just Some We Want To Share!

I have found the information provided by Craig and Ame to be top quality. Their ability to provide top notch products is amazing, with very helpful suggestions as well. I think that apart from the quality, the quantity of information provided is just fantastic.
StoryShack is the best!


I've bought many bad products over time as a victim of shiny object syndrome, Imagine my surprise when I took a chance on StoryShack & this incredible package of worthwhile products.Craig & team over deliver & keep doing it. They are the best & I've come to trust them a lot, I can't say that about many people. I can't wait for their next product!

Angela Hobbs

If you're looking to ignite excitement in children while adding a touch of magic to their lives, Story Shack’ children's products are a must-have. They will turn the child's day into an adventure. I can’t wait to see what new products they’ll come up with next!"

Robert Thompson

StoryShack is the product I have been looking for. A product that combines early childhood education in a fun learning environment in the form of stories that teach a lesson of some kind. It could be about bravery, compassion, empathy or a host of other important lessons about life.

Ron Kness

Truly extraordinary content!


Everything you need to get started and be able to create a business. Unlimited creations!! I can't wait to discover other new things!!! thanks thanks


I was absolutely blown away with Storyshack. The reason was when I first came across Storyshack and everything in between they offer, it was like they've read my mind and I was able to dive-into my own inspired creations as I always wanted, right away in a record timing. Moreover the ongoing prompt support is phenomenal. Thanks a ton Craig and Ame!

Na rich

I would just like to say that Storyshack has provided great content. We have tested the games and coloring books from Ages 2 to 12 and they love them. so we are now underway with creating our Roku and Amazon Fire Channel. Kids are going to love this stuff.

Randall Templeton

I'm French and what Graig and Ame give me is very valuable. The French-speaking market needs products such as those offered by Storyshack, which correspond perfectly to my needs and, above all, to the needs of my customers.
Le marché francophone a besoin de produit comme ceux proposé par Storyshack correspond parfaitement aux besoins de mes clients

Christian Maingret

I love all the content I've bought from Storyshack. Their products are very wholesome and family-friendly, perfect for the young ones. The illustrations are amazing, and the colouring books and educational materials are superb. They provide training for whatever they sell. This includes showing you how to create your very own TV Channel.

Lenore Casswell

The Story Shack creations caught my attention, they are excellent and you can get a lot out of them, I love them.


We're known for giving amazing bonuses that are designed to help you & your business flourish!

Bonus #2:

Bonus #2

Value: $97.00
Live Training on How to Use Your Prompts

Gain valuable insights and information on how to maximize AI's potential with these prompts!

Are you ready to transform your business into a thriving enterprise? We're here to help you master the art of children's book creation as quickly and easily as possible.

The Six Figure Super Prompt is incredibly user-friendly—literally, anyone can use it! However, for that personal touch and extra guidance, we're hosting a live call just for you.

This session will be fun, interactive, and packed with actionable content, ensuring you get the most out of your prompts and achieve your business goals!

Bonus #3:

Bonus #3

Value: $149.00
The Snowball effect live training

The "Snowball Effect" is a strategy I've used for many years now!

The goal is to provide content that'll get you paid, right? But what if there's a way to have customers paying you every single month to create new content?

By mastering the snowball effect, you can build a sustainable, recurring income stream. This live training will show you how to continuously engage your audience, increase customer loyalty, and ensure a steady flow of income. Imagine having a loyal customer base that eagerly anticipates and pays for your new content every month!

This strategy not only boosts your revenue but also enhances your reputation as a consistent and reliable content creator.

Bonus #4:

Bonus #4

Value: $67.00
500 Top Book Topics

Unlock the potential of your book creations with our comprehensive list of the 500 top-selling children's book topics.

This invaluable resource will guide you in choosing the most popular and lucrative genres, ensuring your stories captivate and sell.

Perfect for maximizing the power of your prompts and boosting your sales!

You are going to unlock our secret to making $1,000+ a day by creating children's storybook for free

Generate $1,200 daily on average

Access the same prompt that helped us create and sell childrens books that generate consistent income

easy and simple to do

No writing experience needed! The prompt guides you step-by-step

We will also show you how!

Unlimited topics and ages

Tailor your books to any topics and any age group effortlessly

use free ai tools

Create high-quality books using free AI services and your favorite content creation tools.

Versatile selling platforms

Sell on Amazon, ETSY, Affiliate Platforms, schools, libraries and more

Educational and entertaining

Produce stories that are both informative and fun, fostering a love for learning in children

high market demand

Tap into a multi-billion-dollar market for children's books

proven success

The same formula that helped us make over $27,000 in just five days

instant book results

Start seeing results quickly with our easy-to-use prompts. These super-quality books are made in seconds

Exclusive access

For only $9.95, get the secret formula that has never been shared before until now!

People have gone crazy to get in the door on previous opportunities, as I get such great results for them!

I've dedicated my career to mastering the art of creating and launching products that generate millions of dollars in revenue.

From humble beginnings as a newbie marketer making my first dollar online to orchestrating launches generating millions of dollars for myself and others, I've seen it all and done it all in the world of internet marketing.

Are you ready to take your online business to new heights?

Do you dream of creating and launching your own profitable products & books but feel overwhelmed by where to start?

Look no further! 


This revolutionary prompt won't be online at this price for long!

  • The PROVEN six-figure SUPER PROMPT
  • Live TRAINING Sessions
  • MEGA Bonuses Await!
  • Hand-Holding Sessions!
  • Proven Success Stories!

You've An Easy Decision To Make!

Wondering about a guarantee?

Exclusive Offer: Our Policy

We are confident that this formula will transform your life, just as it did for Andreas. Due to the nature of this secret prompt and its immense value, we have a strict zero-refund policy. This ensures that only serious individuals who are ready to take action and change their lives will benefit from this offer.

For only $9.95, you can get started today. Manipulating AI for tremendous creative results is only one click away!


Do i need any skills to use these prompts?

Perfect for people of all abilities

No, the prompt is designed to be easy to use, even for beginners.

How fast can I start making money?

Different people get different results!

Results vary, but from the two people I've revealed this to... Once they made their books/ packs. When they went "live," they generated a tremendous amount of money, and their customers were very, very happy!

Can i do this for free?

Free-to-Use Tools!

Yes, you can use free AI tools to create your books.


The materials provided on are not to be interpreted as a “get rich quick” scheme in any way. Your earning potential is entirely dependent upon you.

The level of success you reach employing these techniques and ideas is entirely dependent upon you, your skills, your financial resources, your advertising and marketing knowledge and the time you devote to becoming successful. Because of these reasons, we cannot guarantee your earnings level nor do we in any way, whether directly or indirectly, do so.

These testimonials and proofs provided on this page were added in good faith and collected by real people who worked with Craig Crawford